The order and setup process can be completed in as little as 5 minutes. And we're happy to help should you need assistance along the way.
Here's a quick overview of how to get started with our service:
- Complete the online order form
Service for your domain is setup instantly so that we can begin filtering your mail right away. All new subscriptions also receive a free 30 day trial (even if you're adding your second or third domain to an existing account).
- Confirm your mail server address
Directly after you place your order you'll be prompted to confirm your mail server address (so we know where to deliver your filtered mail). Our system will automatically detect your current mail host and then test to make sure it is responding. Unless you're moving away from another hosted spam filter service, the detected mail host should be correct. If you're not sure then contact us and we can provide guidance.
- Update your domain's MX records
****After confirming whether your host is on the list of Hosting Providers Requiring Special Attention and following any special instructions provided there, update your domains MX record to point to the ones you received in the welcome email (or at the bottom of the Settings->delivery mail host page.
Allow up to 72 hours for all sending servers to pick up the MX record change, and watch your spam problems disappear!