Redeliver individual messages
Clean messages can be redelivered from within the Quarantine+ message viewer using the following steps.
- Navigate to Quarantine+ > Clean mail in the control panel. example
- Search for a word or phrase from the message Sender or Subject:
- Hover your mouse over the message and click the Deliver link to have the message re-sent:
Other related options:
- Click View to see the message contents.
- Click Logs to view the delivery logs
Redeliver all mail from a date range
You can also redeliver all messages that arrived within a specific timeframe (or other criteria that you choose).
- Navigate to Quarantine+ > Clean mail in the control panel. example
- Open the Advanced search and select the desired date range (or any other criteria)
- Click on the Bulk redeliver button:
Check on the bulk re-delivery status by navigating to Tools > Bulk redeliver status in the control panel